Wednesday, 31 December 2008

Venturing into New year.

At this time i principally like to do two things try to look at the past year and have a little outlook for the next.Both of them are distorted by my perspective.Looking at the past is a real challange.It has a great oppurtunity concealed to learn from it but tends also to leave a sort of remanant of the times.I normally handle this by ignoring or suppressiong this.But this year i simply have learnt that may be i have to handle it a little diffrently.
I and My companion,, are currently pondering about the color i attribute to the past year.I think the sound and the words of the song makes more justice to the mood.I have an wierd urge this day,that is to face the dawn of the new year.Just came back from Nockerberg with a kind of empty fulfilled feeling.
Lemme thinka little about the resolutions for the new year,i would like to make and stick by it.But so many times i just have failed to execute it.But still a ritual of making one is no less satisfying.Yatishwaranand Dada told me to be a little disciplined.I didnt nor do understand what exactly he meant.Like so many hints that i seem to take and interprete i wish to also do this one more diligently this time around.I have no preset goal in my mind.But the end is to walk through the path like cosmic will intends me to.
I think last year is a great year for many reasons.I will dwell into it when i am sure of many things.I would term the year as the year of sprouting.This one was more a sort of organic sprouting,i just react to things without trying to control them.This has been so unlike me but i also like to be unlike me.I think i tried to loose my religion. I
On my spritual aspect i think i have made some small steps.

sorry for keeping this incomplete,thats me,i go away with a feeling,i have hard time coping.

Friday, 19 December 2008

Provocations as stimulant to thought

Transgression,Provokation,rebellion are far more potent than an absolute state of knowledge.

I spoke to Georg,who is a dramatist and stage actor, yesterday and realized a new perspective to things.He wasnt very generous in the amount of words he spent to bring out the thought.He resembled a painter with limited means making most of colors he has.I guess language -English- was the reason,how epxressive or inexpressive a person is made due to an affliance to a native language.Bewilderment and scorn,

The crux of the conversation i carry out of the interaction was provocations being a norm.

How strong is provocation when it still is one.People need to be provoked.This crystalizes the mist.It condenses the thought.It vaporises the irrelavants.Dramatics,Poetry

Bernhard Shaw,Kuvempu,a succesful artist has to be surrounded by sharp critic.

I start writing not to be succesful,but for enjoyment.I will someda

Coming back Achim made a small but very relevant coment about possesing and letting go of things.The effort for both is same since it is a selfregulating system.since the element common in both acts is the same individual so it is an individual inherant trait.

Rebellion as a norm

Friday, 5 December 2008

how do i call my blog

Netra asked me how i called my blog.I didn't know that i was supposed to call it something.
She somehow made me realize that i had orphaned my blog.I hate incompetent parenting.
How can a conceiver do some thing and fail in his basic responsibility of providing the identity.
I am not sure if name accomplishes that,but lack of name gives a stark indication that this entity wasn't meant to be.But still i felt i come from a culture where any newborn is named after sometime.Maybe 3 months.But my blog is still a month old.Now i sit and think what do i call it.

I called it "Begin of Blogging" when i posted the first blog.This is like the pet names many of us carry.My masi's called me Bunty.My atte's didnt bother to call me anything other than papu.A common name most of the kids in karnataka are called.In comparision Bunty was a little special,but latter i found out that there are more than a million buntties in India.So i wanted to give my blog a special name, an unique name a charming name.Like most of the times,i am more at a loss of words than at a loss of thought.

I am very sure that I never wanted to call it" Begin of Blogging",but i ended up doing so.Isn't it like this in most aspects of life that we don't know how to do something and then we are struck with a default state.Most parents take advantage of this very weakness and feed children to religion or maybe feed children with religion.I am happy and thankful to all people who shake my slumber and make me realise that the state i occupy is a default state,which lacks vigor.

Further Jolly told me yesterday that to live a life person need two things.Strong Roots to be grounded and Wide feathers to explore the world.His statement made me realize that i posses an abnormally strong root and a meek wings.I wanted to find a word for this thought but i think one can only paint rather than express in words.

I wanted to call it random strokes of brush,but i know i really don't paint thoughts always.

As the motivation of blogging was to enhance my ability to compose i thought i call it Improviastions.I almost froze this one.Took a look at the preview,i thought it was cool.But from somewhre a lightening of guilt struck me.I thought i have a concept which i can only express in my native language.Even there i cant sound sophisticated but i can be more content.
I tried footprints,impressions,trail,and most of the words from i felt nothing cameclose to kandana Hejja.
"Kandana Hejja",I decided to stick to it as this comes from mothertongue.Even though sometimes I feel that I have been unjust to this language, I feel that this language has been very unfair to me.Unfair in the sense that It for me seems more difficult than to my sister or many people i know.I never figured out why but i must also admit that i didnt make much effort to correct the anamolous state.Some day i will do it.But today i know that this is the language that comes to my aide when i want to express someting and am incompetant to do in most languages which i believe to know.Not olly does this term come from Kannada but it also expreses aptly my endeavour.It aptly describes my act of blogging.

some random thoughts

Albert Einstein of the strongest motives that lead men to art and science is escape from everyday life with its painful crudity and hopeless dreariness, from the fetters of one's own ever-shifting desires. A finely tempered nature longs to escape from the personal life into the world of objective perception and thought.

Traits of a monk.

...Art to be a monk is to unbase the securities of life from the material possesions,such as wealth,home and children ,is to unbase the interaction with each manifest entity from the common clutters of social standing,recognised rationality and accepted or acknowledged intelligence,is to enable oneself undergo the innumerous transformations in an easy way,is to venture into a anxietyfree and desireless life, and is to posses the trait of rational discrimination and detachment.

Henry Ford.
....“Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.”

Saturday, 29 November 2008

organisation as a structure versus individual autonomous entities

this piece of thought isnt fully original,it has been inspired by some reyading which no longer remember
In the globalised world with so much organised functions,one takes for granted the power of an institution.Its assuemd that the functioning of an institution or fulfillment of a mission cant be accomplished without organisation.The latest technological developments have only contributed in making it so permeable that some take this as the cause of globalisation.
But still if we try to asses objectively the potnetial of two seperate constructs,organizational framework and autonomous individual entities,i might be hard to choose which one is the efficient structure in present times.Colonialism and freedom struggle,industrilization and nationalism have proven the success of organisational structures.But the rebuilding after the war has all proven the value of individual autonomy and macrostructure ,as Manohar once read it from some book.The architecture of modern times also demonstrate the same.Rigid structures seem to collapse fast atleast in developed world.But in China which probably is making the first of the few steps we still see the success of organised life.

What i gather from The White Tiger

Role of religion and Gods in reducing the crime in a India,where distribution of wealth is the most uneven.Whole of Africa struggle to understand how to reduce crime,increased policing leads to incrreased crime,but here in India where the perpetuators of the country knitted a wellthought web of gods and sins to curtail god.Rationalizing psychology in India might have a positive effect of creating an oppurtunity for increased productivity.But the risk of increased crime is high.A man who finds things unjust attributes it to god,if we snatch it away from him,his ven is going to be on the so-called innocent people in society,so-called since i am not very sure if they are.So in a way we have to asses if we want to break this conditioning completely to enter the new era.

Expressions that impressed me.
Either or face of a politician,so true but too sarcastic.

somethings i would have liked to do if i didnt do what i did

Being a preacher or a monk,man i know i would be a very succesful one at it.The thing i like the most about that is that it gives amazing perspective to life.
Being a writer,Anthropologist,Historian.I think the kind of impact one can cause is
A singer and a composer
A painter
A radical
A boozer
All of them authentic ,less cultured and more natural.

Taboo thought
At school sometimes i thougt how nice the profession where one is paid for. ....

Further i think today about wealth.Was Rabindranath Tagore richer than Ambani.Probably people might point out a flaw in comparision saying i make the most silly mistake of comparing Apple to Orange.In this view dot know even if all the wealth of Ambani can build good schools,nice cities with gardens, reduce crime against meek, fight opressor by creating cadres, create visionaries like Amartya Sen and Shashi Taroor.Create Shantiniketan where Indira Gandhi, Satyajit Ray were schooled.I am not sure lord what i want,wat i want to become.All i know is that i should have a balanced life which has aspects of everything.Time to wake up and pen a thought,chat with ur Guru and family, be in awe of the cosmic father, still make a nice livelihood by excelling in them and cooking with your family in the evening and guidig ur childen to bed.I dont love a life devored of social activism some struggle for rights of the week.Women liberation, emancipatiory education, fullfilled life

People i adore

Wow man,isnt it something that changes faster than me.
People call me eccentric sometimes,but i think i am more eccentric than they think i am.
Some day when i was young and more cultured in thinking i thougt succesful people are ones who fly,are ones who drive fast cars,who can afford more than me,have acquired more wealth than i thought i could or i did.
With time wealth trancended to richness,i saw wealthy seemed to struggle with some things as being blessed with an ability to think,which i was again conditioned to think was

Succesful are ones who come back when the chips are down,who push

Now i see tham as the ons who have the maximum influence on the life of civilization.Artists arent they the ones who are the poised gazers looking and laughing at the grazers.
I simply adore people who can write precisly what they feel.

I still think if there is gonna be change in my impressions,i am sure there is ging to be.A guy driven by

Some nice places i indulge in

some times i frequent these place less than i think i must,but still
i want to post it to give an impression of being an intellectual freak,i gues there is some fuc***g thrill in that,

nice corners i have discovered

Some nice

Books i would read if i werent as lazy as i am

The White tiger....Arvind Adiga


Leadership is an art to believe in the ability to surmount the unsormountable,
An art to indulge in possibility detaching from the consequences,
An art to visualize not to dream,
An to feel the pulse of things not to ged overwawed by them,
An art to discern and distinguish,
An art to cope with defeat an failure,
An art to push people just so hard that the like the touch and not causea bruise,
An uncanny ability to defy the cliches
An ability to enjoy the fight and progress and not be deflated relishing the state
Its a state of mind a color of thought,each one of us has all the four ingredients in us.
Visionary,Leader,Sustainer,and follower.
How is this acquired,lineage or acquired or genetic or samskara.
Some schools promise to create the leaders of the millinieum.But all looked to be washed by the social current.If we look at the number of people coming from top institues still letting things happen like the mortage i doubt if all are truly.But it still takes some ability to do so.

Monday, 24 November 2008

India's Acheivements and Challenges as i understand

A country

some things i put together,need to sort it out wid a frien of mine

i was told knowledge of learnings were destroyed for a civilization.
This led to degeneration of civilization.

2nd reason of impact was 1911 charter by ....

Coping issues have be the shif from Socialism to the political divergent view.

Nationalisation and closed economy to developed where we want to go?

Saturday, 22 November 2008

Eternal Victory

[Life without having to cope with failure]
I wonder if there ever is a
place where skies are always blue
land where sun is never defeated by clouds
state where people are unaware of defeat
I reconcile to say may be bliss exists in ignorance

[Evading failure]
Life like weather,as my friend once told me ,can get real boring without defeats.The victory in life is to cope with defeats and learn from mistakes.

[what one learns from failure]
When people falter,some think they fail while some find a new vigor.
Isn't it amazing that we all react so diffrently to same things.Also we react diffrently to
same things at diffrent instances.Some find a teacher in failure,as to teach them the new direction they need to take,and go on and put up a fight. You live and play for yourself.
Is there a way to steel oneself from the adverse effects of failure or the aftermath of the storm.
I guess a through understanding of oneself helps a bit in this regard.I guess dynamism is the essence in the understanding.Questiioning is the key.You might do the same set of things again and fail once but succede the next time around.Is there a change in the state of mind when you approach the act.

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Schooling in Vernacular

I beleive that schooling in vernacular is a boon granted to very few indians, but we all can change the vernacular for our future generation.This would be a kind of sin as we will subject them to our descision today but wouldnt we be just in helping them not being lost like us.Making it easy for them to choose the literature,music and medium of authentic expression as early aspossible.

Native language.Is this the language one is schooled in or the one in which one needs to be schooled in.How important is a language for expression.Do we all call ourselves civilized because we think we can speak.Did we also negotiate when we didn't speak.In one view i guess we all will be justified to dismiss language as trivial sh**.I guess, this is justified as far as our understanding of language is limited to the medium of expression.When we start to extend the scope of language as a modus of interaction,language as a source of information,language as a refridgrator of thoughts i guess we all agree that it merits more than a glance which makes it feel ignored.
On the other hand blowing it beyond requirement has its own fallacies.The art in this regard, as in many aspects of life,is to find a balance.

An art of living in Present

Some times he likes to blabber and sometimes he likes to listen.
Othertimes he's as restless as me, leaving me to wonder if he is me.
We have grown so together that seldom do i draw lines between us.
I still havent known how he and me should be.

i slowly try to understand how i should be,
aren't these guys gods who knew it all.

Did they learn it by reading many books or by listening to many wise sayings about how to live.How lucid and effective is their method of propagation of what to care for and what not to.How well did they maneuver and were moulded.I always wonder if i know anything about this at all.To live in the present and ideate on the SupremeConsciousness was what i am cultured to do.I guess i do and sometimes am also convinced that its but natural. Soometimes i start from scratch.Why can't i be blessed with ignorance.I guess i know why i am not blessed.Because i dont want to be lessed.I like to think.Rather i like to think that i think.I should somehow find a way out.Probably this is a great deterrent not to live in the present as my mental occupation is either of present or of past.
I guess, i am affected too much by the people who surround me. have thought me to be be consequential.I need to

Sunday, 16 November 2008

An attempt to tread beyond ME

Today is the day i feel intense urge to give vent to some thoughts.I write to puke rather than to construct an image or paint a picture of my state of mind.I make a promise to myself that i will post this blog,unlike previous three which still have not been posted.I am damn sure at the end of first draft there will hundreds of recognisable syntactic stuff for which my Highschool grammer teacher would have reprimanded me and a few more unrecognisable ones which i didnt figure out her class.She was a lovely lady but i never understood why she kind of always wanted me to be better in composition.She kind of treated me kin of challenged on this aspect.

At this point in time in my life i see writing as a liberating experience.A good writing as a pleasurable one.A great piece of it combined with rigor in thought as intellectual ecstacy and a creative one as simply SAMADHI(i i will define a lot of terms my mama taught me in many pieces).One piece of advice,the first of the free ones that start to flow,regarding steering your way through the forest of writers and writing is that there are always going to be some wanna be writers(like me) who just want to mimick some traits of people from the above class to derive from a broad spectrum of things ranging from intellectual satisfaction to self glorification.Be doubly sure to know where you want to place this writer of the writing you read then.

We all are destined to be far off from reality and blessed to be engrossed in perceptions.A perception of security or insecurity,a perception of safety or denger,a perception of pleasure or melancholy and so on.Isnt it that these perceptions makes our life or even most part of our life.Is there an art to validate these perception or even distinguish it from reality.Are there people who derive sense of being safe when pushed to a dangerous situation.Sorry folks at this momnet of life i enjoy phrasing questions.I want to listen to people about this.I will complet it when i get enough thougths.

When i find the real matter , i promise i will clean up the syntactic stuff.

Sunday, 6 July 2008

My Pursuit

Life is not all about wealth and Fame,

it is laughter,content and pursuing small goals,

it is more about cleansing ones soul.

My materials,

indian economy its the wall,

Sunday, 25 May 2008

A new beginning

Thanks lagrely to a friend of mine for suggesting and further insisting that i start using this space optimally.I have known/heard about blogging from college,but had always considered this as things highly motivated and self disciplined people perform to exhibit/enhance some traits.I wanted to belong to them some day,i am still not sure if i want to be here forever,because

i can't believe that i started blogging

I always wanted to write to myself about me,but this weekend a friend of mine suggested and latter insisted to use this space.Thanks largely to him for this post.There are many tings i always want/wanted to do,and this particular accomplishment burdens me less.I am sure i wont be consistent,who cares if i am not.But i tell myself,that i would commit to this stuff to the optimum.It feels odd for a man like me,to write all about you.You know