Sunday, 16 November 2008

An attempt to tread beyond ME

Today is the day i feel intense urge to give vent to some thoughts.I write to puke rather than to construct an image or paint a picture of my state of mind.I make a promise to myself that i will post this blog,unlike previous three which still have not been posted.I am damn sure at the end of first draft there will hundreds of recognisable syntactic stuff for which my Highschool grammer teacher would have reprimanded me and a few more unrecognisable ones which i didnt figure out her class.She was a lovely lady but i never understood why she kind of always wanted me to be better in composition.She kind of treated me kin of challenged on this aspect.

At this point in time in my life i see writing as a liberating experience.A good writing as a pleasurable one.A great piece of it combined with rigor in thought as intellectual ecstacy and a creative one as simply SAMADHI(i i will define a lot of terms my mama taught me in many pieces).One piece of advice,the first of the free ones that start to flow,regarding steering your way through the forest of writers and writing is that there are always going to be some wanna be writers(like me) who just want to mimick some traits of people from the above class to derive from a broad spectrum of things ranging from intellectual satisfaction to self glorification.Be doubly sure to know where you want to place this writer of the writing you read then.

We all are destined to be far off from reality and blessed to be engrossed in perceptions.A perception of security or insecurity,a perception of safety or denger,a perception of pleasure or melancholy and so on.Isnt it that these perceptions makes our life or even most part of our life.Is there an art to validate these perception or even distinguish it from reality.Are there people who derive sense of being safe when pushed to a dangerous situation.Sorry folks at this momnet of life i enjoy phrasing questions.I want to listen to people about this.I will complet it when i get enough thougths.

When i find the real matter , i promise i will clean up the syntactic stuff.


Netra said...
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Netra said...

Im sure therz going to be interestin stuff here... n tons of conflictin ideas..but its alll good!
DO read the post once for obvious mistakes, before publishing.. :)
Welcome to the world of bloggin!