Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Two ends of the spectrum

Two ends of thought propagation are following and Intellectual jugglery or imposition and non-concern.Is there a line in between the two.A rationally aligned one.Whose duty is it to arrive upon one.I think Application of Nicomacheaen ethics for the problem is called for.For sure,if thought propagation is required at all for human existence is a very fundamental question but is outside the scope of the essay.Further Kants naive view about enlightenment as religious emancipation does contain certain reason if resolved orthogonally can be applied to the problem

Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgah would have two roles.Creating an equal platform like a king without favoring any particular teaching.As well as participating in the refinement of the ideas.

This for me is a direct understanding of the goal, to make seminars universally accepting.Contacting the chair of Philisophy not only with objective of propagation but also with the goal of questioning.

In my usual drifting indiscipline,i just try to picture Kants life.How it might have been.A person who had alternate view on mostly the very basics of human knowledge evelution,constitution of matter, and what not.This for sure makes me feel that people around him perceived him as an eccentric.So the thought in isolation from the person is a very important step for nature to survive.

How fast and effective Ananda Marga Seminars are?

Acceptance is an virtue or Aristotealian ethic.The faster we accept and rationally we evaluate so will AM be established.It is not my concern nor matter to be associated with the end state.I want to be instrumental in the cause in a very rational way.I will hate myselfeven more for being a non-doer than for being a wrong doer.

Some USP'S and ideas,for Kants centernary and celebrations.


Aristole's ethics

Kants Reasoning

Kants Biography

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